Pound-Drever-Hall Laser Frequency Stabilization

This article is distilled from Am. J. Phys. 69(1), January 2001, page 79.

The goal is to make a laser to output light at frequency \omega with very little frequency variation.

To do this you take a local oscillator at frequency \Omega and using a Pockels cell, do a phase modulation of the laser. That is, you convert the laser field E_0 e^{i\omega t} to E_0 e^{i\omega t + i\beta \sin(\Omega t)}. This essentially adds two fourier components at frequencies \omega\pm\Omega. These fourier components are called “sidebands”.

E_0 e^{i\omega t + \beta \sin(\Omega t)} = E_0[J_0(\beta) e^{i\omega t} + J_1(\beta)e^{i(\omega+\Omega)t}-J_1(\beta)e^{i(\omega-\Omega)t}]

Here, the J_0 and the J_1 are Bessel functions.

Now you throw this modulated laser light onto a high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity (with free spectral range \text{FSR}, line-width \text{LW} and mirror reflectivity r \simeq 1) and look at the light reflected from the Fabry-Perot. This multiplies a fourier component at \omega by the complex number

F(\omega) = r \dfrac{e^{i \omega/\text{FSR}}-1}{1-r^2 e^{i\omega/\text{FSR}}}

We can calculate the power in the reflected light. There is a term proportional to \cos(\Omega t)/\sin(\Omega t) whose coefficient is proportional to the real/imaginary part of F(\omega)F^*(\omega+\Omega)-F^*(\omega)F(\omega-\Omega).

Consider the case of interest where \omega is almost on resonance: \omega = 2\pi N \times \text{FSR} + \delta \omega, and the sidebands are almost completely reflected. Then, we can approximate F(\omega\pm\Omega) by -1, and F(\omega) by i \delta \omega/\pi \text{LW} (since \text{FSR}/\text{LW} \simeq \pi/(1-r^2)). This means that the \cos(\Omega t) term in the reflected power is almost zero and we are left with the \sin(\Omega t) term with a coefficient proportional to (the negative of) the frequency offset.

Now by mixing the local oscillator signal (in the correct phase) and passing through a low-pass filter, we can isolate the \sin(\Omega t) term and feed it to the laser, which supplies a negative feedback to the laser. This negative feedback accomplishes the frequency stabilization.

About Raghu Mahajan

Postdoctoral research fellow in theoretical physics, studying quantum gravity.
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